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Drug Testing in New Jersey [Workplace]: A Comprehensive Guide for Employers in New Jersey

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has become an increasingly important issue for employers, particularly in light of the legalization of recreational marijuana in New Jersey. As employers navigate the complexities of drug testing, it is crucial to understand the legal requirements and implications. This comprehensive guide provides employers in New Jersey with the necessary information to develop effective drug testing policies that comply with state laws while maintaining a safe and productive work environment.

Drug Testing in New Jersey

Understanding the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act (NJCREAMMA)

The NJCREAMMA, which legalized recreational marijuana in New Jersey, has significant implications for employers. Under this law, marijuana is no longer classified as a Schedule I drug, making recreational use legal for adults over the age of 21. While employers are prohibited from taking adverse employment actions solely based on the presence of cannabinoid metabolites in an employee’s bodily fluids, they still have the right to maintain a drug-free workplace and enforce policies against cannabis use or intoxication during work hours.

To initiate the evaluation process, it is prudent to consider and undergoing a comprehensive test.

Drug Testing Employees for Cannabis: What Employers Need to Know

Permissible Drug Testing Situations

Under NJCREAMMA, employers are permitted to require drug tests in the following situations:

  • Reasonable suspicion of an employee’s cannabis usage while performing work responsibilities.
  • Observable signs of intoxication at work related to cannabis usage.
  • Tests conducted after a work-related accident subject to investigation.

Types of Drug Tests

Traditional drug tests, such as urine, blood, or saliva tests, are not suitable for accurately determining whether an employee is impaired by cannabis during work hours. Cannabis can remain detectable in bodily fluids even after its effects have worn off. To determine impairment, employers must utilize scientifically reliable objective testing methods, such as blood, urine, or saliva tests, in conjunction with a physical evaluation conducted by a Workplace Impairment Recognition Expert (WIRE).

Workplace Impairment Recognition Expert (WIRE)

A WIRE is an individual who has completed a Drug Recognition Expert program approved by the Police Training Commission or an equivalent program. These experts can assess an employee’s impairment and determine whether it is related to cannabis use. It is crucial for employers to work with certified WIREs or contract with qualified professionals to conduct physical evaluations accurately.

Interim Drug Testing Guidance from the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission

The New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (NJ-CRC) has released interim guidance for employers regarding the use of WIREs and workplace drug testing. The guidance provides employers with information on how to detect and identify employee usage of cannabis and other intoxicating substances. The NJ-CRC has also provided a template for a Reasonable Suspicion Observed Behavior Report, which employers may use as a tool in connection with workplace drug testing.

Drug Testing and Safety-Sensitive Job Positions

Despite the legalization of recreational marijuana in New Jersey, there is no exception for employees in safety-sensitive job positions. Employers must follow the same rules and guidelines for drug testing, regardless of the nature of the employee’s job. This ensures a consistent approach to maintaining a drug-free workplace and prioritizing safety.

Compliance with Federal Contracts

If compliance with NJCREAMMA results in adverse impacts on employers subject to federal contracts, employers are permitted to revise employee prohibitions to align with federal law, rules, and regulations. It is essential for employers to review their contracts and consult with legal counsel to ensure compliance with both state and federal requirements.

Developing a Comprehensive Drug Testing Policy

To establish a comprehensive drug testing policy in compliance with New Jersey laws, employers should consider the following steps:

  • Review Applicable Laws: Familiarize yourself with NJCREAMMA and other relevant state and federal laws to understand the requirements and limitations surrounding drug testing in the workplace.
  • Define the Purpose of Drug Testing: Clearly articulate the objectives of drug testing in your workplace, such as maintaining safety, promoting productivity, and complying with legal obligations.
  • Specify Testing Procedures: Outline the types of drug tests that will be used, the circumstances under which testing may occur, and the process for conducting tests, including the involvement of WIREs.
  • Communicate the Policy: Clearly communicate the drug testing policy to all employees, ensuring they understand the expectations, procedures, and potential consequences of non-compliance.
  • Train Managers and Supervisors: Provide training to managers and supervisors on recognizing signs of impairment, understanding the drug testing process, and handling situations that may require drug testing.
  • Protect Employee Privacy: Implement measures to protect employee privacy during the drug testing process, such as using reputable testing facilities and ensuring confidentiality of test results.
  • Offer Employee Assistance Programs: Consider providing resources and support for employees who may be struggling with substance abuse, such as Employee Assistance Programs or access to treatment resources.
  • Regularly Review and Update the Policy: Monitor legal developments and periodically review and update your drug testing policy to ensure compliance with evolving laws and best practices.

In order to take the first step towards evaluation, it is advised to proactively to undergo the necessary tests.


As employers in New Jersey navigate the complexities of drug testing in the workplace, it is crucial to understand the legal requirements and implications. By developing a comprehensive drug testing policy that complies with state laws and promotes a safe and productive work environment, employers can effectively address the challenges posed by the legalization of recreational marijuana. By staying informed, employers can protect their organizations and create a supportive environment for their employees.

For more information on drug testing in New Jersey and guidance specific to your organization’s needs, consult with legal professionals experienced in employment law and compliance.

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